
Recent Events

Spring 2024

June 8 - Congratulations, Risa, on your paper's acceptance into the Journal of Applied Physics!

Winter 2024

January 8 - Welcome to our new rotation student, Aldo!

March 4 - Welcome to our new MS student, Yemi!

Autumn 2023

September 1- Welcome to our new post-doc, Xiang!

July 5 - Welcome to our new post-doc, Anh Tuan!

June  - Welcome to our rotation students Ben and Kartik!

Spring 2023

March 13 - Congratulations to Lauren for passing her qualifying exam!

Spring 2022

April 5 - Congratulations, Christina, on receiving a Major Research Grant to support your work with our group!

March 5 - STM/AFM system is installed and operational!

Autumn 2021

December 21 - Moving in to our new lab!

November 18 - STM installed and baking out.

September 15 - Welcome to our new undergraduate researcher Christina!

Summer 2021

July 6 - Scienta-Omicron LT-STM has arrived, waiting for its new home to finish construction.

June 21 - Welcome to our new REU student Johnny!

June 16 - MBE 1 is up and running!

Spring 2021

May 15 - MOCVD 1 is operational! First growth of WS2 at the 4" wafer scale!

Autumn 2020

October 23 - Congrats to Risa for passing her qualifying exams!

September 20 - Andy is named a Terman Faculty Fellow by Stanford's School of Engineering!

Summer 2020 

August 1 - Andy Mannix joins the faculty of Stanford University as Assistant Professor of Materials Science and Engineering.